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Content with Year 2021 .

planta para la produccion y envasado
Press release

VaxThera to start construction of a vaccine production and Fill-and-finish plant in Colombia

lun, 20 sep 2021 14:27:00 +0000

VaxThera, a biotechnology company focused on research, development, and production of vaccines and other biologicals, has announced that its 35,000 m² production and bottling plant will be located in Rionegro, a municipality in the east of Antioquia. The plant will have the highest technological and human talent standards and will create over 500 jobs to support local and regional talent.

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Investigacion y desarrollo
Press release

VaxThera, a SURA Company Created in Colombia for the Research and Development of Vaccines for Latin America

mar, 29 jun 2021 14:30:00 +0000

Understanding Latin America’s need of self-sufficiency in order to face future pandemics, and with the preservation of life as a priority, we have created VaxThera: a SURA Company expert in the research, development and commercialization of vaccines in Colombia and the region.

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