

Currently, Colombia is facing a significant vaccination challenge due to widespread misinformation about vaccines, including myths surrounding the topic, accompanied by a lack of knowledge about the type of vaccines that individuals should receive based on their life stage.
At VaxThera, we aim to ensure access to reliable information that enables informed decision-making regarding the benefits of immunization.

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Independencia de biológicos para Colombia
Press release

Independence of Biologicals for Colombia: Why is it historically important?

jue, 21 jul 2022 14:04:00 +0000

Within the framework of Colombian Independence Day, the country is celebrating the first anniversary of VaxThera, a Colombian company owned by Seguros SURA, that is an expert on biotechnology, and will contribute to the country’s and the region’s independence in terms of vaccines and biologicals.

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¿Qué hay detrás de la picada de un zancudo?

What's behind a mosquito bite?

jue, 27 abr 2023 13:46:00 +0000

Vivimos en un lugar tropical, donde personas, animales y medio ambiente convivimos en un solo lugar, lo que tiene un gran impacto en la salud humana y la sanidad animal. Es así como el sistema inmune -sistema de defensa que tiene un organismo, encargado de mantenerlo en un estado de salud– hace uso de sus múltiples mecanismos para controlar las posibles amenazas que surjan a raíz de esta convivencia.

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