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En VaxThera le apostamos a la innovación del sector salud

Innovation in the health sector

jue, 20 oct 2022 13:56:00 +0000

Octubre 18 2022. Este mes de de octubre, INNOS – Instituto de Prospectiva e Innovación en Salud- integrado por Afidro (Asociación de laboratorios Farmacéuticos de Investigación

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Seguros SURA, ocupó la segunda posición en el ranking
Press release

Seguros SURA took second place in ANDI’s innovation ranking, highlighting VaxThera as its biggest innovation during the past year

mié, 17 ago 2022 14:00:00 +0000

Colombia’s National Association of Industrialists (Asociación Nacional de Empresarios – ANDI) each year recognizes the efforts, work, and results in the area of innovation in the private sector and does this through its Business Innovation Ranking. In its sixth edition, SURA took second place as the country’s most innovative company,

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Independencia de biológicos para Colombia
Press release

Independence of Biologicals for Colombia: Why is it historically important?

jue, 21 jul 2022 14:04:00 +0000

Within the framework of Colombian Independence Day, the country is celebrating the first anniversary of VaxThera, a Colombian company owned by Seguros SURA, that is an expert on biotechnology, and will contribute to the country’s and the region’s independence in terms of vaccines and biologicals.

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VaxThera and Gennova Biopharmaceuticals join efforts to strengthen their technological capabilities for developing vaccines and biologicals for Colombia and Latin America

vie, 10 jun 2022 13:44:00 +0000

COVID-19 has taught us that the world must be prepared for future pandemics. To protect people from emerging diseases and future pandemics, we must utilize all our human, technological, and logistical capabilities.

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chicas vacunandose

What about we vindicate ourselves with our vaccines?

lun, 06 jun 2022 13:44:00 +0000

Perhaps vaccines had not been as important over the past few years as they became after the arrival of COVID-19. The pandemic, which two years after it started just begins to seem mitigated, challenged social, economic, and government dynamics and, therefore, health systems all over the world. In early 2020 countries began to realize,

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Chico vacunandose
Press release

World health Day: Vaccines DO Save Lives

jue, 07 abr 2022 14:39:00 +0000

The lessons learned by society from the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 is a new meaning of health, and the responsibility shared by all humans for practices that promote community well-being. This is why, to celebrate World Health Day, VaxThera, a Seguros SURA company, an expert on research

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Dos mujeres al servicio de la vida
Press release

Two women at the service of life

mar, 08 mar 2022 14:44:00 +0000

as part of the celebration of International Woman’s Day, and almost a month after the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we still feel the need to vindicate gender equality in professional and everyday life were recognizing women’s empowerment has been a challenge.

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grupo vaxthera
Press release

Construction work has begun to build the VaxThera plant, which will produce vaccines and biologicals for Colombia and the region

mié, 02 feb 2022 15:08:00 +0000

After more than 20 years without vaccines or biologicals being produced in the country, VaxThera, a Colombian company specializing in   biotechnology, began construction of its manufacturing plant in Rionegro, Antioquia.  Colombia will once again be in control of its own healthcare systems.

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