
Personalized medicine

Colombia has available the Expanded Immunization Program (PAI for its initials in Spanish), which is a public health initiative aimed at preventing vaccine-preventable diseases in prioritized groups of the population, including infants, pregnant and in fertile age women, and adults aged 60 and older. However,

Planta Vaxthera

this leaves the adult population between the ages of 18 and 59 unprotected.
This population is crucial in the economic and health dynamics of a community because they:

  • Form the country's workforce
  • May be exposed to specific (preventable) infectious diseases due to the economic activity.
  • Could be infectious diseases transmitters to the family group and, in general, to the community.

Understanding the importance of implementing active vaccination strategies to protect people from various infectious diseases and prevent outbreaks within the adult population, VaxThera designed the Personalized Prevention Plan (PPP), a tailored prevention model for adults that combines technical, technological, and cultural aspects. This becomes an innovative alternative to position adult vaccination in the country, complementing the efforts made by the EPI.